

Step into the Timeless Charm of Clunes

In the heart of Victoria lies Clunes, where echoes of the Victorian gold rush still linger, transporting visitors back to a bygone era of prosperity and excitement. Founded in 1851 during the height of the gold rush frenzy, Clunes emerged as a beacon of wealth and opportunity, shaping Australia's history and economy.

Today, the town's picturesque streets and meticulously preserved architecture serve as a living testament to its illustrious past. Wander through its charming lanes, and you'll find yourself immersed in the best collection of 19th-century buildings in the country, each one a window to a rich and storied past.

But Clunes is more than just a relic of history; it's a vibrant cultural hub that draws enthusiasts from near and far. Every May, literature lovers converge for the largest book event in regional Australia, celebrating Clunes' status as one of the world's 15 internationally recognized Booktowns. And Hollywood has taken notice too, with Clunes serving as a backdrop for numerous local and international film and television productions, offering locals the chance to rub shoulders with stars on sets like HBO's acclaimed series, The Leftovers.

Whether you're a history buff, a nature enthusiast, or a culinary connoisseur, Clunes has something to offer. Explore the region's gold rush heritage through gold prospecting adventures, bushwalks, and hikes in the breathtaking Mount Beckworth Scenic Reserve, where wildlife and wildflowers abound. Indulge your taste buds with the finest local wine and produce at Clunes' charming cafes, restaurants, and markets.

For the ultimate romantic escape, hop on a train from Melbourne and retreat to one of Clunes' beautifully appointed bed and breakfasts, boutique hotels, cottages, or cabins. Let Clunes' timeless allure sweep you off your feet and embark on a journey through history, culture, and natural beauty that's sure to leave a lasting impression.